What kinds of CaCO3 Filler Masterbatch suggested for packaging industry?

Profoundly filler masterbatch contains more than 50 % by weight of filler that are scattered in a polymer framework. Distinctive cycle set-ups are conceivable relying upon the sort and measure of filler CaCO3. The most widely recognized fillers incorporate calcium carbonate CaCO3 or deodorant powder. CaCO3 Filler masterbatch are basically used to upgrade and expand the solidness, decrease shrinkage and work on a superficial level appearance of the end result.

“What are suitable filler masterbatch for packaging ?”

If you are working in the packaging field, it must be a common question to help you find the suitable material for your end-products. In fact, the application of calcium carbonate CaCO3 filler Masterbatch in the packaging industry depends on many criteria, which makes it more challenging for plastic enterprises to find the right fits. In this article, let’s discover the top most recommended types of CaCO3 calcium carbonate filler masterbatch for the packaging industry.

1. What types of filler masterbatch for packaging?

1.1 PE CaCO3 filler masterbatch

PE calcium carbonate CaCO3 filler is made of PE sap, CaCO3 and different added substances. It is a natural kind of CaCO3 filler masterbatch for bundling, particularly in blown film because of its fitting mechanical properties like high malleability, sway strength and low grating. In particular, the use of PE calcium carbonate filler significantly diminishes creation cost, which brings down the cost of finished results. Some normal utilizations of PE filler masterbatch in blown film incorporate shopping packs, T-shirt sacks, trash containers, … Furthermore, PE calcium carbonate filler is likewise utilized in assembling PP woven sack, multi-facet films, …

1.2 PP CaCO3 filler masterbatch

As the name suggests, PP calcium carbonate CaCO3 filler masterbatch is composed of polypropylene resin, CaCO3 and other additives. Its properties are similar to polyethylene, but it is slightly harder and more heat resistant. Hence, PP CaCO3 filler masterbatch is commonly used in PP woven sack and non-woven products with a view to decreasing production cost and minimizing environmental effects of the manufacturing process.


1.3 Transparent filler masterbatch

Transparent filler, which is the combination of BaSO4 (Barium sulfate) or Na2SO4 (Sodium sulfate), plastic resins and other special additives. It can take both Polypropylene (PP) and Polyethylene (PE) as plastic carriers. Most plastic manufacturers use transparent filler to improve certain end-products’ properties such as stiffness, mechanical properties (bend strength, impact strength), tear resistance and most importantly, the whiteness. Thanks to the two components – barium sulfate/sodium sulfate, end-products are offered a beautiful brightness and transparency. Also, the use of transparent filler shortens the time required for each product cycle, thus facilitating production efficiency.

Most plastic manufacturers use transparent filler to improve the brightness and transparency

Thanks to these advantages, this material is widely used in many applications such as packaging films, containers, bottles, cans,…

1.4 Bio filler masterbatch

It would be such a pity if we miss Bio filler masterbatch in this list. It is such an effective material solution to the packaging industry. Unlike other types of calcium carbonate fillers which include fossil resins, bio filler is mainly made of CaCO3 and bioplastic. This composition makes it completely environmentally – friendly, thus cutting down on the amount of waste released during plastic manufacturing production. Not only is it safe for the environment, bio filler masterbatch also offers end-products a firm structure and high tear resistance. Unlike other kinds of bioplastic, which easily go soggy in liquids, products made of bio filler masterbatch are tougher and more endurable even in the water. This advantage makes bio filler masterbatch specifically suitable for single-use products (cutleries, glasses, boxes, packaging films,…), which are consumed in bulk annually worldwide.

2. How does CaCO3 filler masterbatch benefit the packaging industry?

CaCO3 Filler masterbatch or calcium carbonate filler is one of the most important plastic fillers. It is the combination of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which takes up over 70% of total weight, plastic resins and other specific additives. As CaCO3 is more reasonable than plastic resin, the application of CaCO3 into plastic combination reduces the amount of resins required, thus helping plastic enterprises save production cost. Besides, calcium carbonate also introduces various benefits to end-products such as shortening product’s cycle (thanks to CaCO3’s good thermal conductivity), and improving product’s mechanical properties (impact strength, tear resistance,…). For that reason, filler masterbatch is widely used in many applications in packaging fields such as shopping bags, wrapping films, roll bags, garbage bags,…

CaCO3 Filler masterbatch is widely used in many applications in packaging fields.

The thing is, why do we need to figure out appropriate types of calcium carbonate CaCO3 filler masterbatch? As each product has different technical requirements, only certain compatible types of CaCO3 filler masterbatch can meet those standards. As such, it is quite risky for plastic enterprises to randomly choose any type of filler masterbatch for packaging because it may result in end-products quality degradation.

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