White masterbatch is chosen as an important material in producing plastic packaging in order to protect food from spoiling in different environment conditions. Products made from white masterbatch contain many advantages in term of physically characteristics which improve quality of final product during production process. This paper will mentioned outstanding feature as well as application of this kind of masterbatches in daily life.

The advantages of white masterbatch in food packaging industry?
The materials have been applied in many areas in life, especially soft drink and food packaging product due to its diverse benefits. There are outstanding strength of this kind of materials including:
Playing as a protection cover: white masterbatch can prevent food/liquid from damage of UV light, balance moisture level inside the box by enhancing heat resistant capabilities, reduce oxidation process which can lead to food spoiling.
Better color shade: nowadays, eye-catching packaging is one of the key factors in order to engage buyers. Plastic packaging made from this masterbatches improve the brightness and opacity of the packaging. Also, help printing process is more easier, prevent color from fading out under tough environment.
Larger size of packaging: due to the improvement of technology, white masterbatch is not only bring benefits relate to better appearance such as improving whiteness or aesthetics of the plastic products, it can increase size of packaging as well as giving out different shapes of packaging. This is extremely useful in making different kind of packaging design of many product line such as fruit bottles, wine, milk bottles or many snacks, cereals packaging.
Lightweight: the convenience of product is always the top priority of customer when making purchase decision. Particularly, the demand of light packaging is now increase. People now more prefer easy-carry than heavy product that they can comfortably moving from one place to others. Therefore, white masterbatch has been improved to make the plastic packaging more lighter but still maintain the endurability of the products.
Cost-effective and affordable: this kind of material is known as a solution for reducing material cost for business. In particularly, it shorten production time, saving raw materials, but still ensure the performance of final product. Masterbatches is an ideal method for economic sustainability for manufacturers.